From Niche to Mainstream, Your Go-To Site For The Rankings You Never Knew You Needed


After finishing a TV show that you loved, have you ever had an undeniable urge to rank all the characters? Or anything about it, really - from episodes to seasons to the best one-liners from the star?

Well, we here at TheTen are doing it for you.

The goal in creating this website is to offer up our opinions on topics that interest us. From the very niche (best musical moments from Shrek) to the more mainstream (best basketball players today), TheTen covers a range of subjects that will be fun and engaging for all audiences. Written exclusively in the form of “Top Ten” articles, we know that you’ll find something here that will pique your interest.

A Note on Anonymity:

At TheTen, our founders have decided to remain anonymous. We made this decision because we didn’t want our identities to shape the way you read the posts. These ranking articles are meant solely for your enjoyment, not to be some broad statement on how we as individuals feel about certain things.

You can check out our Contact Us page, though, if you want to reach out with any ideas or concerns. We’re always happy to chat!